Conquest Drilling 800-895-8353 (Toll Free)

CQ Bio-24 Biocide


The presence of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) is becoming more and more of a problem in shale drilling. In addition to posing a serious safety hazard, they are also the cause of significant drillstring and casing damage. They can remain in the background in small numbers waiting for the right conditions and then suddenly multiply rapidly to create a population explosion. They can also move from one location to another via contaminated tanks, used muds and equipment. Their presence may go undetected in relatively high pH systems as, at these high pH values, the product of the SRB’s eating habits are sulfide ions rather than hydrogen sulfide. If this sulfide-laden fluid sees a pH decrease, microscopic bubbles of hydrogen sulfide gas can instantly take over a mud system or workover fluid causing all of the associated troubles such as breathing issues and pressure control problems. The resulting foams that are created are very tough to break with standard defoamers. The best solution is to include CQ Bio-24 Biocide as part of the fluid system at a 350 – 500 ppm level. It is long lasting (most other biocides are short term fixes) and it begins to kill within 24 hours. A little CQ Bio-24 Biocide goes a long way to prevent a serious potential problem.


  • CQ Bio-24 Biocide has long term effectiveness for eliminating sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB)
  • CQ Bio-24 Biocide has long term effectiveness (6 mo +) for reducing Acid Reducing Bacteria (ARB)
  • Both reductions lead to significant reduction in corrosion and H2S gas
  • CQ Bio-24 Biocide does not reduce the effectiveness of either oxygen scavengers or corrosion inhibitors
  • CQ Bio-24 Biocide helps to invert the slickwater slurry emulsions such that the friction benefit is realized sooner
  • CQ Bio-24 Biocide does not interfere with guar hydration like glutaraldehyde
  • The product is much more environmentally friendly than other biocides

Summary of Bacteria Reduced or Eliminated:

  • Aerobic Bacteria
  • Anaerobic Bacteria
  • Facultative Bacteria
  • Sulfate Reducing Bacteria
  • Acid Producing Bacteria
  • Pseudomonas Species
  • Bacillus Species
  • Enterbacter Species
  • Serratia Species
  • Clostridia Species
  • Fungi*

Results Summary for CQ Bio-24 Biocide

Glutaraldehyde THPS CQ Bio-24 Biocide
Cross linking of Polyacrylamides, which could create formation plugging Destroys Performance of Synthetic Friction Reducers Boosts Performance of Cationic and Anionic Friction Reducers
Performance is Reduced by Sour systems (increased H2S) Poor control over H2S for extended periods of time In field evaluations CQ BIO-24 Biocide controlled and eliminated H2S from over four to six months
Minimal affect on Guar Viscosity Significant Adverse affect on Guar Viscosity (All Versions) Minimal affect on Guar Viscosity
Glutaraldehyde known to kill performance of Oxygen Scavengers THPS will hinder performance of Oxygen Scavengers as well as Glutaraldehyde No known interferences with Oxygen Scavengers or Corrosion Inhibitors
Potential Safety and Environmental handling concerns Black Listed in Norway (R61) Chemical Excellent Eco/Tox Profile




Project Management Protocol

Testing Lab


ViChem MHA Drilling Fluid System

Maxim-100 Mud System

CQ Bio-24 Biocide

ViChem L-10/Super L Lubricant

Haynesville Wells




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